# Concr_Imag_FreqSub_Valemo_866 # This article presents concreteness, imageability, subjective and emotional valence norms for a set of 866 words. The norms were collected from 97 participants, all French native speakers whose mean age was 23. Table: [Concr_Imag_FreqSub_Valemo_866.tsv](http://www.lexique.org/databases/Bonin_2003_Concr_Imag_FreqSub_Valemo_866/Concr_Imag_FreqSub_Valemo_866.tsv) Online: [Openlexicon](http://chrplr.github.io/openlexicon) ## Publications ## * Bonin, P., Méot, A., Aubert, L. F., Malardier, N., Niedenthal, P., & Capelle-Toczek, M. C. (2003). Normes de concrétude, de valeur d'imagerie, de fréquence subjective et de valence émotionnelle pour 866 mots. L'année Psychologique, 103(4), 655-694. [pdf](Concr_Imag_FreqSub_Valemo_866.pdf)