LexCel 1.10 Made by Boris New (http://www.borisnew.org). All the fields are based on the Celex English database. Lexcel is distributed under the same Copyright as Celex (see below) . 01 IdNum ID 02 Word Word 03 IdNumLemma Lemma ID 04 PronCnt Number of Pronunciations (Wordform) 05 PhonStrsDISC Syll. Phon. Stress Celex charset (Wordform) 06 PhonDISC Phon. form with DISC charset (1 character=1 phoneme) (Wordform) 07 PhonCVBr Phon. CV pattern (Wordform) 08 SylCnt Number of Syllables (Wordform) 09 PhonCnt Number of Phonemes (Wordform) 10 LetCnt Number of Letters (Wordform) 11 OrthoCnt Number of Spellings (Wordform) 12 TransInfl Inflectional Transformation (Wordform) 13 CobWMln Wordform Cobuild Written Frequency (on 1 million) 14 CobSMln Wordform Cobuild Spoken Frequency (on 1 million) 15 FlecType Type of Flection (Wordform) 16 GramC Gramatical Category (Lemma) 17 LemSeg Immediate Segmentation of the lemmas (Lemma) 18 LemCobWMln Lemma Cobuild Written Frequency (on 1 million) 19 LemCobSMln Lemma Cobuild Written Frequency (on 1 million) 20 NeighCnt Number of Orthographic Neighbors (Wordform) 21 AnagrCnt Number of Anagrams (Wordform) Flectype: Sg Singular Pl Plural Pos Positive Comp Comparative Sup Superlative Inf Infinitive Part Participle Pres Present Tense Past Past Tense S1 1st person verb S2 2nd person verb S3 3rd person verb R Rare form 5. Celex Copyright Copyright Centre for Lexical Information LICENCE: The copyright holder grants to the purchaser of this CD-ROM unrestricted license to use all the lexical information included herein for research purposes only, subject to the following restrictions: 1. No onward distribution of the lexical data is allowed -- copies may be made only for use by the purchaser and her/his research group, for ease of use by that group, etc.; 2. The contribution of CELEX is acknowledged in any public presentation or publication of any work based on the lexicons. (*) CELEX carries no warranty of any kind. (*) This CD-ROM should be referred to as: R. H. Baayen, R. Piepenbrock & L. Gulikers, The CELEX Lexical Database (CD-ROM). Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1995.